Artificial Emotional Intelligence I Other yoU

Two industrial robots think collectively about themselves. They continuously write theses on counter-rotating conveyor belts. Incessantly the text production from blue plastic granulate goes on. At the end of the belt, the granulate falls down and is fed to the opposite robot, which produces text from it again. The text is in a permanent flow of production, deletion and recycling.
Equipped with algorithms and artificial intelligence, the robots in the exhibition space revolve around questions of identity and their role in the human-machine society, and allow visitors to participate in them. The machines draw their power of judgment from the audience itself. The robots have their text generator evaluated on screens, thus improving the creative and content-related quality of their reflections without the audience being able to directly influence the written statements.
“AEIOU” deals with the new realities that emerge from the synergy of robots and artificial intelligence. The fusion and the associated technical-evolutionary step bring closer utopias of a new species capable of reproduction, and fundamental questions arise: What are the existential conditions of the machines? What are their external and internal states? What is their cultural identity?
Collaboration concept and software: Nikolaus Völzow
Collaboration hardware: Thomas Schwab, Christoffer Gutmann